Success Stories


1. Brader Elementary School


The generous donations your organization has provided Brader Elementary has resulted in tremendous outcomes for our students.

By providing coats, gloves and hats, we have students dressed appropriately not only for arrival and dismissal, but also out on the playground and even when they are outside of school.  When I went to one classroom and asked if any students needed any winter wear, a teacher’s eyes lit up and she said yes.  2 students in her room were given coats, hats and gloves. She said “yay, now they will be warm on our outings too”. That classroom takes frequent outings to help students learn to communicate and adapt in settings outside of school.

 The snacks you have provided help fuel our students and provide energy needed for their rigorous academic activities. Third grade eats lunch an hour and a half after arrival to school.  That leaves 5 hours for the rest of the day.  A snack in the afternoon is just what they need to boost their energy and focus, and unfortunately, the majority of our families do not have the funds to send in daily snacks. The same is true for our 5thgraders who eat lunch at 1:15.  That mid-morning pick me up is just the fuel they need to keep their energy up and active for learning.  By tracking who needs snacks, I have been able to identify some students who may need some extra help at home, and have gotten them linked up with the Food Bank’s Backpack Program through which food can be sent home to families in need.

 The clothes you have provided ensure the students stay in school when accidents happen.  When I don’t have a change of clothes that fit the student, a parent has to lose work time to go home and get a change of clothes, and then bring that to the school.  Often times parents theorize that if they are already at the school, they may as well just take the student home for the day.  This results in missed education time for the student.  It has also opened my eyes to acknowledge that when students do not return the borrowed clothing, it may be because they don’t have enough clothing at home, or access to a washer and dryer.  We can then refer them to programs to help them receive what they need. 

 As for me personally,  helping the students get what they need is my favorite part of my job.  No child should be cold or hungry or without basic needs of everyday living.  If I can help in any way, I make it my mission to do so.  I can identify needs, and supply what I have, but it’s donors like you that make it all possible.  Without your organization’s generosity, our students wouldn’t have what they need to help ensure they have the most productive school day possible.  

 I am grateful for all you have done for our students and staff!! 


JE, School Nurse Brader Elementary

 Many times in this life we face serious difficulties; but when we do, we should quickly prepare an attitude of gratitude.

— Rev. Jim Nabors


2. Cooke Elementary


Through Neighbor’s Love, I have been able to implement a regular snack program at school. I’ve even had teachers donate snacks. I have been able to give clothing, shoes, purchase books, sensory squeeze toys, toiletry items and Christmas gifts.

I began mentoring a student that needed some extra TLC. Through this relationship and Neighbor’s Love, we’ve been able to create the kind of relationship where she feels comfortable to let me know when she has a need. I love the fact that she exemplifies a grateful heart; and knows that someone cares about her.

This is what Neighbor’s Love is all about - Letting children know that they are loved and cared for. If everyone would adopt an attitude of giving, we could help countless children.

Desiree Nabors



3. Christmas Season Giving


We were able to purchase Christmas presents for children. We purchased 30 coats and over a hundred pairs of gloves, sixty hats and some scarves. We were able to purchase snacks and other items for the children to have a wonderful holiday season. This would not be possible without the giving of others. Our purpose is to simply show Love to children who are hurting and in need. I’m so thankful that we are giving and showing Love and Compassion to these children. We love to give; and are so thankful for others, who are willing to come along side us and bless others. Thank you.

When you Give gifts it changes your attitude about yourself and how you see others.

