Our Mission
It all started when…
Mission Statement: “Developing Childlike Character with Strength, Love and Compassionate Thinking.” To be able to help Children in need to reach their full potential. To help them see their worth and value. 1 in 5 children in poverty will not graduate High School. Our goal is to help these children achieve and become who they were meant to be.
In the US, 39% of children go to school hungry. This statistic is staggering and we are up against a great hurdle to climb. There are breakfast and lunch programs for children and most of these children take part in this program; however, there are children not in the program due to parent illiteracy, language barriers, short term issues or fear of embarrassment. These children receive a reduced lunch and no breakfast. It is our goal to help children grow mentally, physically, emotionally and morally through these acts of love.